Coron’s Kayangan Lake is a serene and captivating destination nestled in the heart of Palawan’s Coron, offering visitors a tranquil retreat like no other. This hidden gem is known for its crystal-clear waters, stunning limestone cliffs, and untouched natural beauty. To reach this peaceful oasis, take a boat from Coron town as part of an island-hopping tour, and enjoy a scenic journey of approximately 15 minutes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kayangan Lake is a serene and captivating destination in Coron, Palawan.
  • The lake can be reached by taking a boat from Coron town as part of an island-hopping tour.
  • Visitors must climb 360 steps to reach the lake, but the hike is relatively easy and offers breathtaking views.
  • To avoid crowds, it is recommended to visit the lake early in the morning.
  • Swimming, snorkeling, and diving are popular activities in the crystal-clear waters of Kayangan Lake.

A Hidden Gem in Coron, Palawan

Located in the stunning Coron, Palawan, Kayangan Lake is a hidden gem that beckons travelers with its untouched beauty and peaceful ambiance. Nestled amidst towering limestone cliffs and crystal-clear waters, this pristine lake offers a tranquil escape from the bustling tourist spots in the area. Its unspoiled charm makes it a must-visit destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers.

To reach Kayangan Lake, visitors embark on a short boat ride from Coron town, usually as part of an island-hopping tour. The journey itself is a delightful experience, as you sail through the emerald waters and feast your eyes on picturesque views of the surrounding islands. After a 15-minute boat ride, you will arrive at the docking area where the real adventure begins.

As you ascend the 360 steps leading to the lake, you will be rewarded with breathtaking vistas of limestone cliffs and lush greenery. The climb is relatively easy and can be enjoyed by travelers of all fitness levels. Once you reach the top, the serene atmosphere and the clear turquoise waters of Kayangan Lake will leave you in awe. You can take a refreshing dip or simply bask in the tranquility of the surroundings.

Visiting Kayangan Lake in the early morning allows you to beat the crowds and enjoy the place at its quietest. This hidden gem is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, offering opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, and diving in its crystal-clear waters. Don’t forget to wear a life jacket while swimming to ensure your safety and to help preserve the pristine condition of the lake.

A Hidden Gem Worth Discovering

Coron’s Kayangan Lake is a true hidden gem in Palawan, showcasing the untouched beauty of nature and providing a sense of serenity that is hard to find elsewhere. The surrounding attractions, such as Barracuda Lake, Twin Lagoons, and shipwreck diving spots, make it an ideal destination for those seeking adventure. Immerse yourself in the pristine beauty of Kayangan Lake and let its tranquility wash over you, leaving you with memories that will last a lifetime.

Kayangan Lake AttractionsHighlights
Breathtaking Views360 steps climb offering stunning vistas
Crystal-Clear WatersSwimming, snorkeling, and diving opportunities
Pristine BeautyClean and well-preserved environment
Cultural SignificanceRespect the sacredness for the Tagbanua people
Other Nearby WondersBarracuda Lake, Twin Lagoons, and shipwreck diving spots

Journey to Kayangan Lake

To reach the breathtaking Kayangan Lake, visitors embark on a scenic boat ride as part of an unforgettable island-hopping tour from Coron town. This journey takes approximately 15 minutes, offering travelers a chance to soak in the beauty of the surrounding islands and turquoise waters. As the boat approaches the lake, anticipation builds for the adventure that lies ahead.

Upon arrival, visitors are greeted by a stunning landscape of limestone cliffs and lush greenery. The next step is a climb of 360 steps, which leads to the heart of Kayangan Lake. Although it may sound daunting, the hike is relatively easy and rewards climbers with awe-inspiring panoramic views along the way. The beauty of the towering limestone cliffs combined with the sparkling blue waters is a sight that will leave visitors in awe.

To make the most of the experience, it is recommended to visit Kayangan Lake in the early morning. This allows visitors to beat the crowds and enjoy the serene ambiance before tour groups arrive. The peacefulness of the lake in the early hours adds to the overall tranquility of the destination, providing an opportunity to fully immerse oneself in its pristine beauty.

Once at the lake, travelers can indulge in a variety of water activities. Swimming, snorkeling, and diving are popular choices, thanks to the lake’s crystal-clear waters. Exploring the underwater world reveals a vibrant ecosystem teeming with colorful marine life. For safety purposes, visitors are required to wear life jackets while swimming, ensuring a secure and worry-free experience.

Table: Recommended Time to Visit Kayangan Lake

Early MorningAvoid crowds, tranquil atmosphere
MiddaySunlight illuminates the underwater beauty
AfternoonCreate stunning photographs with the perfect lighting
EveningEnjoy the sunset over the lake

It is important to note that Kayangan Lake holds great cultural significance for the local Tagbanua people. The lake is considered sacred, and visitors are expected to show respect and follow the rules while visiting. This includes refraining from littering and damaging the natural surroundings, as well as keeping noise levels to a minimum. By observing these guidelines, visitors can ensure a harmonious experience and contribute to the preservation of this sacred place.

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For those seeking additional adventures, there are other attractions nearby that are worth exploring. Barracuda Lake, known for its deep blue waters and intriguing thermocline, offers a unique diving experience. Twin Lagoons, with its natural rock formations and hidden lagoons accessible through a small crevice, provide another enchanting destination. Divers can also explore various shipwreck sites from World War II, adding historical depth to their underwater exploration.

As visitors bid farewell to Kayangan Lake, they carry with them the memories of its tranquility and natural beauty. This breathtaking destination serves as a testament to the wonders that await in Coron, Palawan. So, why wait? Embark on your own journey and discover the enchantment of Kayangan Lake today.

A Climb to Remember

Embarking on a memorable journey, visitors ascend 360 steps, passing through awe-inspiring limestone cliffs, to reach the pristine waters of Kayangan Lake. As you make your way up, be sure to take in the breathtaking views of Coron’s natural beauty, with the limestone cliffs towering majestically above you.

Reaching the top, you’ll be rewarded with a sight that will leave you in awe. Kayangan Lake, with its crystal-clear waters, is a true gem tucked away in the heart of Coron. The tranquil atmosphere is a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing you to immerse yourself in the serenity and natural beauty that surrounds you.

After the invigorating climb, take a moment to catch your breath and soak in the panoramic views. The turquoise waters of Kayangan Lake invite you to dive in and explore its underwater wonders. Whether you choose to swim, snorkel, or dive, you’ll be greeted with an abundance of marine life and the opportunity to witness the unmatched beauty of this hidden paradise.

Awe-Inspiring Limestone Cliffs

100 metersGrayKarst
150 metersBeigeLimestone

As you navigate the 360 steps, the limestone cliffs will captivate your senses. Standing tall and proud, these geological formations tell a story that spans thousands of years. Their unique shapes and textures, carved by the forces of nature, create a mesmerizing backdrop for your journey to Kayangan Lake.

So, lace up your hiking boots and get ready for an adventure like no other. The climb to Kayangan Lake is not just a physical journey but a sensory experience that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

Recommendations for the Climb:
  • Wear comfortable shoes for the hike.
  • Carry water and stay hydrated.
  • Bring a camera to capture the stunning views.
  • Take breaks and enjoy the scenery along the way.

Beat the Crowds

For those seeking a more intimate experience, it is recommended to venture to Kayangan Lake in the early morning hours, before tour groups arrive, and revel in the serenity. By arriving early, you can have the opportunity to explore the beauty of the lake undisturbed, without the hustle and bustle of crowds.

One advantage of visiting Kayangan Lake early is the peaceful atmosphere. As the sun rises, painting the sky with vibrant hues, you can immerse yourself in the tranquility of the surroundings. The stillness of the morning allows you to fully appreciate the natural wonders of the lake, from the jagged limestone cliffs to the crystal-clear waters.

Moreover, arriving early ensures you have ample time to engage in various activities at the lake. Whether you prefer swimming, snorkeling, or diving, you can indulge in these water adventures without feeling rushed. With fewer people around, you can explore at your own pace and truly connect with the breathtaking beauty of Kayangan Lake.

Benefits of Early Morning Visit:

  • Peaceful atmosphere and tranquil surroundings
  • Ample time for swimming, snorkeling, and diving
  • No rush or time constraints
  • Opportunity to immerse in the natural wonders undisturbed
Tips for Early Morning Visit:
1. Wake up early to catch the sunrise
2. Arrange transportation in advance to secure your spot
3. Pack snacks and water for a refreshing morning picnic
4. Wear comfortable clothing and footwear for the climb and water activities

By planning your visit to Kayangan Lake in the early morning, you can have a more personal and tranquil experience. So, set your alarm clock, grab your camera, and embark on a journey to this picturesque piece of paradise before the crowds arrive.

Dive into Crystal-Clear Waters

Kayangan Lake offers a paradise for water enthusiasts, with opportunities to swim, snorkel, and dive in its inviting and transparent waters. As you plunge into the crystal-clear lake, you’ll be greeted by a world of vibrant marine life and stunning underwater rock formations. Whether you prefer leisurely swimming, exploring the depths while snorkeling, or embarking on an exhilarating diving adventure, Kayangan Lake promises an unforgettable experience.


With its calm and pristine waters, Kayangan Lake is the perfect spot for a refreshing swim. Immerse yourself in the cool embrace of the lake as you soak in the tranquility that surrounds you. Whether you prefer to leisurely glide through the water or playfully splash around, swimming in Kayangan Lake is a serene and rejuvenating experience that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

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Snorkeling and Diving

For those seeking a closer look at the underwater wonders of Kayangan Lake, snorkeling and diving are must-try activities. Don your snorkel mask or scuba gear and dive into the crystal-clear depths, where you’ll encounter a vibrant ecosystem teeming with colorful fish and intricate coral formations. Explore the hidden nooks and crannies of the lake, discovering its hidden treasures as you swim alongside the marine inhabitants.

From tropical fish darting through the water to the mesmerizing play of sunlight on the lake’s surface, snorkeling and diving in Kayangan Lake provide a unique opportunity to witness the mesmerizing beauty of this underwater paradise.

SwimmingFlexibleComfortable swimwear
SnorkelingFlexibleSnorkel mask, fins
DivingDepends on dive planCertified scuba diving license, scuba gear

Immerse in Pristine Beauty

Known as one of the cleanest lakes in the Philippines, Kayangan Lake enchants visitors with its pristine beauty, urging them to don life jackets and immerse in its refreshing waters. The crystal-clear clarity of the lake is simply mesmerizing, providing a glimpse into an underwater world teeming with colorful marine life.

Swimming in Kayangan Lake is a truly immersive experience. The moment you dip your toes into the water, you’ll be greeted by a sensation of tranquility and serenity. The surrounding limestone cliffs add to the allure, creating a picturesque backdrop that will take your breath away.

For those seeking adventure, snorkeling and diving are highly recommended. Exploring the underwater realm of Kayangan Lake reveals a diverse ecosystem filled with vibrant corals, tropical fish, and other fascinating aquatic creatures. Snorkelers can leisurely glide along the surface, while divers can venture deeper to discover hidden treasures and submerged wonders.

It is crucial to prioritize safety while enjoying the pristine beauty of Kayangan Lake. Life jackets are mandatory for all visitors to ensure a secure and worry-free swimming experience. Following this rule not only guarantees personal safety but also helps in preserving the lake’s ecological integrity for future generations to enjoy.

Tips for Visiting Kayangan Lake:
1. Arrive Early: To beat the crowds, plan your visit to Kayangan Lake in the early morning. This will allow you to fully appreciate the tranquility and beauty of the surroundings.
2. Respect the Environment: As one of the cleanest lakes in the Philippines, it’s important to leave no trace behind. Dispose of your trash properly and respect the rules set by the authorities.
3. Engage with the Locals: The Tagbanua people consider Kayangan Lake sacred. Engage with the local community to gain a deeper understanding of their culture and heritage.

Immerse yourself in the pristine waters of Kayangan Lake and discover a world of natural splendor that will leave you in awe. Experience the beauty and serenity of this hidden gem and create unforgettable memories in Coron, Palawan.

Respect the Sacredness

Steeped in cultural significance, Kayangan Lake holds sacred importance to the Tagbanua people, and visitors are encouraged to honor and respect its spiritual value. The Tagbanua, an indigenous group native to Palawan, consider Kayangan Lake to be a sacred site, believed to be the dwelling place of ancestral spirits.

When visiting Kayangan Lake, it is important to be mindful of the rules and regulations set by the local community. Before entering the lake, visitors are required to register at the Tagbanua checkpoint, where they will be briefed on the proper conduct and etiquettes to observe. This includes wearing appropriate attire that covers the shoulders and knees as a sign of respect to the Tagbanua culture.

Responsible Visitation Guidelines:

  • Refrain from making loud noises or engaging in disruptive behavior.
  • Do not litter or leave any trash behind. Help to keep the area clean and pristine.
  • Do not touch or disturb any cultural or natural artifacts you may encounter.
  • Do not feed or disturb the wildlife in and around the lake.
  • Respect the privacy and sacredness of any rituals or ceremonies taking place.

By adhering to these guidelines, visitors can ensure that their experience at Kayangan Lake is not only enjoyable but also respectful of the Tagbanua people and their traditions. Remember, by showing respect, we can help to preserve the cultural heritage and natural beauty of this sacred site for future generations to appreciate and enjoy.

Visitation GuidelinesTagbanua PeopleKayangan Lake
Be respectful and mindful of the cultural significanceHolds sacred importance to the Tagbanua peopleConsidered a sacred site
Follow the rules and regulations set by the local communityRegister at the Tagbanua checkpointWear appropriate attire
Avoid disruptive behavior and keep the area cleanRefrain from making loud noisesDo not litter or leave any trash behind

Explore Nearby Wonders

Apart from Kayangan Lake, the vicinity offers a plethora of natural wonders to explore, including the mesmerizing Barracuda Lake, captivating Twin Lagoons, and intriguing World War II shipwrecks. These attractions are sure to leave visitors in awe with their unique features and rich history. Let’s take a closer look at each of these magnificent sites:

Barracuda Lake

Barracuda Lake is a hidden gem nestled within the jagged limestone cliffs of Coron. This enchanting lake is known for its crystal-clear turquoise waters that provide excellent visibility for diving and snorkeling. As you descend into the depths, you may catch a glimpse of the mysterious thermocline, where warm and cold waters meet, creating an otherworldly sensation. Keep an eye out for the elusive barracuda, which gives the lake its name, as you explore its underwater wonders.

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Twin Lagoons

The Twin Lagoons are a breathtaking sight to behold. Surrounded by towering limestone cliffs, these two interconnected lagoons offer a surreal experience. During low tide, you can swim through a narrow passage to access the inner lagoon and marvel at its emerald green waters. At high tide, you can float above the mesmerizing underwater scenery and enjoy the tranquil ambiance. The Twin Lagoons are a must-visit for nature lovers seeking serenity and beauty in their Coron adventure.

World War II Shipwrecks

Coron is renowned for its World War II shipwrecks, which have become popular dive sites for enthusiasts and history buffs alike. These sunken vessels serve as a haunting reminder of the region’s tumultuous past. Dive into history as you explore these underwater museums, encountering a variety of marine life that has made these wrecks their home. Discover the stories behind each ship and witness the resilience of nature as it reclaims these remnants of the past.


Coron’s Kayangan Lake is just the beginning of the wonders waiting to be explored in the surrounding area. Barracuda Lake, Twin Lagoons, and the World War II shipwrecks offer a diverse range of natural and historical attractions for visitors to discover. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Coron’s underwater world, hike through stunning landscapes, and uncover the secrets of the past. Whether you’re an adventure seeker or a history enthusiast, this corner of Palawan promises an unforgettable experience.

Barracuda LakeA hidden gem with crystal-clear turquoise waters, perfect for diving and snorkeling.
Twin LagoonsInterconnected lagoons surrounded by towering limestone cliffs, offering a surreal swimming experience.
World War II ShipwrecksSunken vessels from World War II that have become popular dive sites, showcasing the region’s history.

Return to Serenity

As the journey comes to an end, visitors leave Coron’s Kayangan Lake carrying with them the sense of serenity that only nature’s beauty can provide. This hidden gem in Palawan offers a tranquil escape from the bustling city life, inviting travelers to immerse themselves in its pristine beauty.

With its crystal-clear waters and breathtaking limestone cliffs, Kayangan Lake is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. The journey to the lake is an adventure in itself, as visitors navigate through the turquoise waters on a boat, surrounded by the stunning landscapes of Coron.

SwimmingExperience the refreshing embrace of the lake’s crystal-clear waters as you take a dip and swim in this untouched oasis.
SnorkelingDiscover the vibrant underwater world teeming with colorful corals and tropical fish species.
DivingExplore the depths of the lake and be captivated by the sight of hidden treasures, including World War II shipwrecks.

Respect for the environment and the local culture is of utmost importance at Kayangan Lake. Tagbanua people consider the lake sacred, and it is vital to honor their traditions while visiting this sacred space. Visitors are required to wear life jackets while swimming to ensure their safety and preserve the lake’s cleanliness.

Aside from the tranquility of Kayangan Lake, there are other wonders to explore nearby. Barracuda Lake and Twin Lagoons offer equally stunning views and opportunities for adventure. Divers can also indulge in the fascinating experience of exploring the underwater remains of World War II shipwrecks scattered across the region.

In conclusion

Coron’s Kayangan Lake is an enchanting destination that captivates the heart and soul of every traveler. It offers a unique opportunity to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with nature, leaving visitors with a lasting sense of serenity. Plan your journey to this breathtaking location today and experience the tranquility that awaits you at Kayangan Lake.

Barracuda LakeUncover the mysteries of this surreal lake, known for its thermocline layer and the possibility of encountering barracuda fish.
Twin LagoonsMarvel at the unique natural formations as you pass through a small crevice that links two picturesque lagoons.
Shipwreck DivingJourney deep into the underwater world and explore the remnants of World War II shipwrecks, an intriguing glimpse into history.

Experience the Tranquility of Coron’s Kayangan Lake Today

Don’t miss the opportunity to escape to the tranquility of Coron’s Kayangan Lake, where crystal-clear waters and breathtaking scenery await your discovery. Located in the stunning destination of Coron, Palawan, Kayangan Lake is a hidden gem cherished by both locals and travelers.

To reach this pristine oasis, embark on a short boat journey from Coron town as part of an island-hopping tour. The 15-minute ride allows you to soak in the beauty of the surrounding islands before arriving at Kayangan Lake.

Prepare for a breathtaking climb as you ascend 360 steps to reach the lake. The journey is relatively easy, and the reward is well worth it. Along the way, limestone cliffs tower above, creating a dramatic backdrop that enhances the overall experience.

To fully immerse yourself in the serenity of Kayangan Lake, it is recommended to visit early in the morning before the arrival of tour groups. This allows you to have the tranquil waters all to yourself, ensuring an uninterrupted connection with nature.

Dive into the crystal-clear waters of Kayangan Lake and explore its hidden wonders. Swim, snorkel, or dive to discover the vibrant marine life beneath the surface. Known as one of the cleanest lakes in the Philippines, it offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with nature in its purest form. Remember to wear a life jacket for safety.

As you explore Kayangan Lake, it is essential to respect the area’s cultural significance to the local Tagbanua people. The lake holds sacred importance to their community, and it is crucial to follow the rules and treat the environment with reverence.

While in the area, make sure to explore other nearby attractions, such as Barracuda Lake, Twin Lagoons, and the fascinating World War II shipwrecks that lie beneath the azure waters. Coron’s Kayangan Lake serves as the gateway to these wonders, creating a truly unforgettable journey.

Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and experience the tranquility of Coron’s Kayangan Lake. Let the crystal-clear waters and breathtaking scenery transport you into a world of serenity and natural beauty. Plan your visit today and embark on an adventure that will leave you rejuvenated and inspired.


How do I reach Kayangan Lake in Coron, Palawan?

To reach Kayangan Lake, visitors must take a boat from Coron town, usually as part of an island-hopping tour. The journey takes about 15 minutes.

Is there a hike involved to reach Kayangan Lake?

Yes, there is a hike involved to reach Kayangan Lake. Visitors need to climb 360 steps, but the hike is relatively easy and worth it for the breathtaking scenery.

When is the best time to visit Kayangan Lake to avoid crowds?

It is recommended to visit Kayangan Lake early in the morning before tour groups arrive in order to avoid crowds.

What activities can I do at Kayangan Lake?

Swimming, snorkeling, and diving are popular activities at Kayangan Lake, which is considered one of the cleanest in the Philippines.

Are life jackets required while swimming at Kayangan Lake?

Yes, visitors are required to wear life jackets while swimming at Kayangan Lake.

Why is Kayangan Lake considered sacred?

Kayangan Lake is considered sacred by the local Tagbanua people, and it is important to respect its sacredness when visiting.

What other attractions are nearby Kayangan Lake?

Nearby attractions include Barracuda Lake, Twin Lagoons, and various diving spots with World War II shipwrecks.

What makes Kayangan Lake a hidden gem in Coron, Palawan?

Kayangan Lake is a hidden gem due to its crystal-clear waters, stunning views, and tranquil atmosphere.

Can I experience tranquility at Kayangan Lake?

Yes, visiting Kayangan Lake offers a serene and tranquil experience.

How can I plan a trip to Kayangan Lake?

By following the information provided in this article, you can plan a trip to Kayangan Lake and experience its tranquility for yourself.

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